UK GAS-Prices fall on Norway flows, forecasts for strong wind


UK GAS-Prices fall on Norway flows, forecasts for strong wind

British wholesale gas prices fell on Tuesday due to an increase in Norwegian gas flows and as weather forecasts indicated stronger wind power production and higher temperatures in coming days.

* Day-ahead gas was 0.80 pence lower at 34.00 p/therm by 0810 GMT.

* The June gas contract was down 0.95 pence at 33.15 p/therm.

* Behind the price decline were strong gas supplies, as Norwegian flows increased and liquefied natural gas (LNG) shipments kept coming, together with forecasts for warmer temperatures and strong wind, a gas trader said.

* Norwegian gas flows to Britain rose to 71 mcm/day on Tuesday from 56 mcm/day on Friday, the previous trading day, as flows via the Langeled pipeline increased.

* LNG imports are also strong. Britain received one LNG tanker on Monday and expects five more to arrive by May 20.

* The system is balanced. Demand is forecast at 265.7 million cubic metres (mcm) and flows at 266.1 mcm/day, National Grid data shows. Demand was 78.7 mcm above the seasonal norm.

* Average daily temperatures are forecast at 8.0 degrees Celsius on Tuesday, rising to 9.2C on Wednesday and then at 8.8C over the weekend, Refinitiv Eikon data shows.

* Peak wind power generation is forecast at 3.4 gigawatts on Tuesday and 9.3 GW the next day, National Grid data shows. The total capacity of the country’s turbines is 12.1 GW.

* Day-ahead gas price at the Dutch TTF hub fell by 0.28 euro to 14.60 euros per megawatt hour.

* Benchmark Dec-19 EU carbon contract up 0.30 euro at 25.63 euros a tonne.

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