Trading Focus: Zooming in on Northwest Natural Gas Company (NYSE:NWN)


Trading Focus: Zooming in on Northwest Natural Gas Company (NYSE:NWN)

Investors may be looking at shares of Northwest Natural Gas Company (NYSE:NWN) with renewed interest over the past few trading sessions. After a recent scan, the stock has been seen trading near the $69.82 level. Staying on top of the equity market can be difficult. Knowing what information is important and how to interpret that information can be the difference between a good portfolio and a great one.

Investors may be taking a closer look stock market trends as we move into the second half of the year. Investors often have to grapple with the timing of selling a stock. After all the research is done and the portfolio is rounded out, the time will eventually come when decisions need to be made about whether to hold a winner or sell to lock up some profits. Often times, investors will hold on to a certain stock for much too long letting profits erode. Thinking that a hot stock will keep going higher and higher, may lead to lost profits further down the road. On the flip side, investors may become emotionally attached to a stock and not be able to part ways when the time has come. Avoiding the trap of waiting for a stock to bounce back and just break even can lead to the undoing of the portfolio. The belief that a particular stock will definitely come back to the buying level may leave investors out in the cold. Being able to keep the emotions in check and stay focused on the pertinent data, may help the stock portfolio thrive into the future.

Shares of Northwest Natural Gas Company (NYSE:NWN) currently have an average target price of 66.33. This is the consensus number using estimates given by polled analysts. Professional sell-side analysts that track the stock are constantly monitoring the company to assess where they believe shares will be moving in the future. Price target projections can be calculated using various methods. Many investors will follow stock target prices, especially when analysts make revisions.

The average investor might not have the time to monitor every single movement of a certain stock. Tracking the historical performance may help provide some valuable insight on where the stock may be trending in the future. Looking back over the last 4 weeks, shares of Northwest Natural Gas Company (NYSE:NWN) have moved 5.52%. Over the last 5 days, the stock has seen a change of 0.06%. Looking at the last 12 week period, we note that the stock has moved 6.55%. Since the beginning of the calendar year, we note that shares have changed 15.48%. Investors will often track the current stock price relative to its 52-week high and low levels. The 52-week high is currently 70.71, and the 52-week low is resting at 57.2. When shares are trading near the 52-week high or 52-week low, investors may be on the lookout for a breakout.

Sell-side analysts often undertake stock analysis to give their opinions of whether they believe that shares should be bought, sold, or held. Using ratings provided by analysts polled by Zacks Research, we note that the current average broker rating on shares of Northwest Natural Gas Company (NYSE:NWN) is currently 2.67. The recommendation falls on a scale between 1 and 5. A broker rating of 1 would translate into a Strong Buy. A rating of 5 would indicate a Strong Sell recommendation. This consensus broker rating may help shed some light on how the sell-side is currently viewing company stock. After a recent check, we can see that 1 sell-side analysts have rated the stock a Strong Buy or Buy, based analysts polled by Zacks Research. Professional investors often incorporate various strategies when approaching the stock market. Capitalizing on market dips can be highly profitable when thoroughly researched and executed. Closely monitoring earnings, news, and analyst views may play an important role in equity study.

Investors paying close attention to the daily ebbs and flows of the stock market may be trying to guess which way momentum will swing into the next couple of months. Finding those stocks that are ready to ride the lightning may not be the easiest task with markets chugging along near all time highs. Investors may have to first figure out how much risk they want to take on when picking the next round of stocks. Once the risk appetite is determined, investors can start to decide whether they think it is best to go with the flow or buck the trend. Either way, paying attention to short-term and long-term price moves may help paint a clearer picture of what is happening with a particular stock. Maybe those stocks that were sure-fire winners a few months ago have lost some steam. Adjusting the portfolio may or may not be necessary, but knowing exactly what stocks are owned and how they are performing may help with additional decision making along the way. Of course nobody wants to be on the outside looking in as a stock is taking off, but there should be plenty of other opportunities in the future. Staying current with global economic conditions and keeping a finger on the pulse of the company during earnings season can help shed some light on where the stock may be headed next.

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