Sugar Beet Waste Generates Biomethane for Fleet

Sugar Beet Waste Generates Biomethane for Fleet

At a Sustainability Day celebration in the municipality of Groningen, The Netherlands last week biomethane refuelling station builder and operator OrangeGas opened a new Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) filling station. Working in close collaboration with Suiker Unie, a company that develops, produces and sells sugar and sugar specialties, the station dispenses biomethane produced from sugar waste produced on the Suiker Unie site at Vierverlaten.

At full capacity, Suiker Unie’s two digesters will produce more than 20 million m³ of green gas per annum and feed it into the national transmission network.

Alderman Mattias Gijsbertsen opened the station, arriving in a green gas car from the city of Groningen, then proceding to refuel a Suiker Unie bulk carrier truck. The alderman explains: “The city of Groningen is striving to be energy neutral by 2035. This is only possible with residents and business owners in the region. Congratulations Suiker Unie and OrangeGas, with this great result! ”

Suiker Unie also has cars and vans that run on green gas that will utilise the gas station. In addition, the company uses 11 dual-fuel road tankers that transport sugar. This number will increase in the coming months.

Albert Markusse, CEO Suiker Unie, talks about why Suikerunie frontrunner in sustainable production. “Suiker Unie aims through the entire chain for a sustainable way; whether by energy saving, sustainable and efficient logistics, or the production of green gas. Major international sugar buyers have rewarded us as the only sugar producer in the EU with gold status in the field of sustainability.”

“What’s better than sugar supply in bulk trucks that run on their own green ‘beet gas’?”, Markusse said.