Socar completes 8-Station CNG Corridor in Turkey
Socar Turkey Petrol EnerjiDağıtım A. Ş., part of Azerbaijan’s national oil company Socar, has created a ‘blue line’ network of eight Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) filling stations across Turkey, stretching along a 1500 km route from Izmir in Turkey’s southwest up to Istanbul, across to Ankara then heading southeast down to Mersin. The stations are staged about 200-250 km apart.
The new corridor provides an extension to the Europe-wide CNG refueling network, enabling vehicle operators to take advantage of the cheaper cleaner fuel.
Up until now, CNG use has been limited to cities and has been utilised primarily by public transportation companies and municipal fleets.
Starting with a CNG station in Gebze on the western outskirts of Istanbul, the network has grown to 8 over two years and Socar plans further stations this year, focusing on major population centres.