Shri M.V. Ravi Someswarudu takes over as CEO of GAIL Gas Limited

Shri M.V. Ravi Someswarudu takes over as CEO of GAIL Gas Limited

Shri M.V. Ravi Someswarudu has taken over as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of GAIL Gas Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of GAIL (India) Limited, engaged in the city gas distribution business. Prior to this assignment, he was serving as Executive Director & Officer- In- Charge of the Petrochemical Project at GAIL, Pata. He is a post-graduate in Chemical Engineering along with MBA in Marketing specialization. He has more than 34 years in the Oil & Gas and Petrochemical Sectors covering diverse functions like Project Development, O&M, Technical Services, Process Design and Engineering, Design of Pipelines & Gas processing plants, Technology Selection and R&D.

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