Naturgy bets on the development and adoption of hydrogen in Spain
Naturgy, a member of the Spanish Hydrogen Association (AeH2), has become the organization’s first promotional partner, evidencing its firm commitment to the development of renewable gas and hydrogen. With this step, both organizations strengthen their collaboration in terms of innovation, development, and use of hydrogen and promoting the implementation of these technologies.
For its part, the Spanish Hydrogen Association, a non-profit, continues to make progress in its target of fostering the development of hydrogen technologies as an energy carrier and promote its use for industrial and commercial purposes.
Under this agreement, Naturgy will have a series of additional benefits and rights as a development partner. These benefits include a highlight on its news, activities, and projects related to the hydrogen sector. It will also have access to special discounts and preferential participation in events organized by the AeH2.
Furthermore, it will have support in external communication activities related to hydrogen technologies, as well as in matters related to the AeH2’s goals.
Hydrogen technologies and fuel cell batteries significantly contribute to the decarbonization of the main industries. This is why hydrogen emerges as a versatile energy carrier crucial for the future of Europe. It is set to play a fundamental role in achieving an environmentally friendly and emissions-free economy.
Therefore, the fact that Naturgy is taking a step forward becoming the first promotional partner constitutes great progress, evidencing the sector’s commitment to hydrogen technologies. AeH2 offers leading entities in Spain an additional medium to strengthen their leadership and the good image associated to it. This will result in greater visibility and impact, obtaining better results in the sector.
Javier Brey, Chairman of AeH2, stressed the importance of Naturgy’s commitment in becoming a promotional partner. “It will serve to boost all the initiatives we promote here at the Spanish Hydrogen Association, encouraging different activities and projects and obtaining greater diffusion of the importance of hydrogen as an energy carrier,” he assured.
Hydrogen can be produced from different sources and can be stored and distributed to consumption points through natural gas networks. It can be used in industrial and domestic sectors, as well as in mobility with fuel cell batteries. It is produced via electrolysis, preferably using excess renewable power (green hydrogen). It can also be obtained from natural gas and carbon capture (blue hydrogen). Both technologies have a promising future that is becoming a reality in Europe, with initiatives that will enable to inject emissions-free hydrogen into the gas network; this will reduce CO2 emissions in the energy and transportation sector with its use in mobility. Additionally, methanation of hydrogen and carbon dioxide derived from biomethane production or biomass uses also stands out. Its use will generate a solution with negative emissions.
The incorporation of growing amounts of biomethane and hydrogen into the natural gas network is a key target for Nedgia. This way, the company, a gas distributor owned by Naturgy, seeks to manage the energy transition to cleaner energy sources.
Hydrogen will be an essential interconnection and flexibility element for the electricity and gas networks. Its use will allow exchanging both through Power to Gas (P2G), Gas to Power (G2P), and seasonal storing in the natural gas network. This will facilitate the manageability and optimization of the electrical system.
Naturgy is currently working on two main research lines in the field of hydrogen transportation through natural gas networks. The first is injecting hydrogen at lower percentages. The second one is methanation of hydrogen with captured carbon dioxide that will be turned into synthetic methane. This product could be injected into the natural gas network without restrictions.
Hence, Naturgy’s new role as the AeH2 promotional partner becomes especially relevant to energize several projects that the company has been developing for some time. Said projects will be aimed at ensuring that the benefits of hydrogen technologies have an impact on society.
Hydrogen is a clean and renewable energy and will be one of the many topics to be addressed at AltFuels Iberia 2019, starting today at IFEMA Trade Fair Center, in Madrid. It will be an event consisting of first level conferences and exhibition of vehicles of all kinds, refueling stations, components, plants, road and marine engines, as well as the entire universe of the alternative fuels industry with the latest technological developments, multiple options for networking, business and new advances. For more information,