Natural gas now exceeds coal on U.S. power grid

Natural gas now exceeds coal on U.S. power grid

Natural gas has now usurped coal as the nation’s primary fuel for generating electricity.

According to a report Thursday by the U.S. Energy Information Administration, in April less electricity came from coal than natural gas for the first time since at least 1973. It happened again in July and continued four straight months into October – the most recent month for which data is available.

The shift in fuel use in the power sector comes as gas prices fall to historic lows, driven down by the flood of hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling operations across the Midwest and Texas. Gas was trading at just under $2 per MMBtu on the New York Mercantile Exchange Thursday, a more than 40 percent drop from a year ago.

At the same time tougher federal standards on air pollution require coal plants to install costly scrubbers on their smokestacks – forcing plants to go offline during times of lower demand and in some cases even closing all together.

The pressure on the coal industry is only expected to increase in the decade ahead, after President Obama ordered the nation’s power industry to drastically redudce carbon emissions by 2030 in an effort to slow global warming.

In Texas, which is less dependent on coal than many states, the shift away from coal has been underway for some time. The last time coal was the leading fuel for electricity was May 2014, according to data from the Electric Reliability Council of Texas.

For the first 11 months of 2015, natural gas accounted for 48 percent of electricity in Texas, coal for 29 percent, and nuclear plants and wind turbines for 11 percent each.

The closing of the gap between coal and natural gas nationwide traces to early 2010, when gas prices began an almost unabated downward slide. Trading near $6 per MMBtu in January of that year, gas has only reached that height once since during an especially cold winter in 2014.

Over the past five years, natural gas-fired electricity has grown from 25 percent of the power supply to 35 percent. Over that same time, coal’s share dropped from 43 percent to 31 percent.