MCG spending 37k monthly on unused crematorium

MCG spending 37k monthly on unused crematorium

The MCG spent Rs 87 lakh on a CNG crematorium in Nathupur, which has not been used even once in the past one year, and it continues to spend Rs 32,000 each month on the CNG, an RTI reply has revealed.

A senior MCG official said the smoke, emanating from traditional crematoriums that used firewood, used to heavily pollute city’s air. So, the MCG decided to erect a CNG-fuelled crematorium in Nathupur. “About Rs 87 lakh was spent on constructing the eco-friendly crematorium in Nathupur, which is spread over 1 acre of land and was opened for public use in 2012,” the official informed.

The RTI, filed by city-based activist Aseem Takyar, had sought details on the expenditure made on the crematorium since January 2014. The reply stated that its maintenance work is being carried out by a private company, BMB Enterprises.

Sources said the contractor had employed six persons for the maintenance and operations of the crematorium. But as the area lay unused, the staff was reduced to three persons. The contract amount between the MCG and the company, however, remains the same. Sources said two out of the three persons have been deployed by the contractor for personal work, but their salaries continue to be drawn from the MCG.

When contacted, MCG’s chief engineer S R Bishnoi said, “The crematorium is perhaps not being used due to lack of awareness among people. We ‘ll start a drive to draw attention to it.”