Madrid Increases CNG Stations, Reduces NOx Emissions

Madrid Increases CNG Stations, Reduces NOx Emissions

Madrid is determined to improve the quality of the city’s air by encouraging the use of natural gas fuel for transportation. To that end, it plans to add six new Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) stations in 2016, doubling the size of the current network. The stations will be homogeneously distributed throughout the urban area, close to areas of demand and accessible from major access routes to the city.

Construction of the six new stations will be allocated through public tender.

The Madrid City Council has been working on the transformation of the current city fleet to a more sustainable model, which is reflected in the fact that the main measures contained in the plans of Air Quality and Energy and Climate Change of the City of Madrid are targeting this sector. Transport emissions are the main target for air improvement.

In recent years Madrid has created a supply network for public access to cleaner energy for automobiles, which shows the effort and commitment to promote cleaner fuels and lower environmental impact technologies.

It has encouraged the renewal of vehicles in the public transport sector (EMT, taxi, municipal services) and urban freight distribution fleets through voluntary agreements in the distribution sector under the Madrid Pro-Climate Forum.

Today the municipal fleet has more than 1,250 heavy vehicles powered by CNG: 793 buses, 459 waste collection vehicles and 19 municipal cranes. And thanks to the support provided to the taxi industry, the percentage of green fleet of this mode of transport represents 29% of the total, compared with 12.51% in 2011.

Furthermore, the collective measures have halved emissions of nitrogen oxides since 2009, when public vehicle fleets were responsible for 41.3% of emissions of nitrogen oxides (NO 2).