Large CNG infrastructure project underway in Mexico
Karim Bousfiha, Vice President of Marketing and Business Development for CNG Source, announced that the company was formalizing a deal with V-Energia for a large public CNG station to be built in Mexico. “We are thrilled with this project. Although V-Energia is a new company, its management team has been in the energy and fleet management business for about 20 years,” he said.
The CNG station will feature capability for both the vehicular as well as the mobile pipeline industry, serving businesses located off the natural gas pipeline network through tube trucks and GTMs. It will be geared by four compressors driven by natural gas engines providing maximum performance at an exceptionally low cost of operation which will enable flexibility, profitability and high margins. In addition, the equipment’s long uptime intervals will reach up to 16,000 hours of operation between major services doubling those of the most advanced competitors.
Bousfiha commented: “The NGV or vehicular side of the station will boast cutting edge dispensers based on a custom version of CNG Source’s Triumph model including our proprietary technology Tank-Sense allowing for an accurate temperature compensated fill, providing a superior customer experience with every fill, every vehicle, every time. The fueling hoses will feature both NGV1 and NGV2 options for each position. The components will be integrated within the canopy’s structure, allowing for an overall uncluttered look and feel. A complete remote monitoring and control system will allow operators and managers to control and supervise the station virtually from anywhere in the world at any time.”
V-Energia operates several gas stations under the Pemex brand. They also operate a fleet management company and lastly they manufacture and provide one of the most advanced wet-fuel dispensers to the Mexican market. “This is a seasoned team of professionals with a remarkable experience in providing fuel and services to fleets,” added Bousfiha.