Japan: Shiga Prefecture completes first hydrogen refueling station

Japan: Shiga Prefecture completes first hydrogen refueling station

The new facility, developed and built by Iwatani Corporation, is located in Otsu City and is the first of its kind in Shiga Prefecture. Iwatani has already opened hydrogen refueling stations at eleven locations in four metropolitan areas: Amagasaki City in Hyogo Prefecture, Kitakyushu City in Fukuoka Prefecture, Minato-ku in Tokyo and Toda City in Saitama Prefecture. The newly opened station is Japan’s 12th hydrogen refueling station.

“The Iwatani Hydrogen Refueling Station in Otsu was built on the site of a CNG refueling station of Iwatani. We expect that many customers from the Kansai area will use the station, particularly FCV users in Kyoto and Shiga Prefecture because it is located along the convenient Route 1 near Kyoto City,” said Iwatani President Masao Nomura.

The station utilizes an offsite supply system of transporting liquefied hydrogen by tank trucks from the Hydro Edge liquefied hydrogen production plant of Iwatani in Sakai, Osaka.

Iwatani plans to open more hydrogen refueling stations in twenty locations and is working toward the completion of hydrogen refueling stations in the remaining eight locations.
