IMPCO Releases New CNG PRDs

IMPCO Releases New CNG PRDs

IMPCO Technologies, Inc. (IMPCO), an alternative fuel division of Westport Fuel Systems Inc., has

released an expanded line of GFI branded high pressure compressed natural gas (CNG) thermal pressure

relief devices (PRD). The new products, certified to ANSI PRD 1-2013 and now available globally, include:

High performance in-line (Model# PRD-4E)

High performance end of line (Model# PRD-4L)

High performance 1 1/8” End Plug (Model # PRD-4P; also available with integral temperature sensor)

This technology, developed to supplement the existing models of thermal pressure relief devices,

is available with both Eutectic and Glass Bulb Technology.

IMPCO’s line of GFI pressure relief devices is designed for maximum heat transfer and reliable fast

activation performance. The high flow discharge design ensures that in the unlikely event that the PRD is

activated, the integrity of the CNG system will remain intact.

Offered with a wide range of options, these devices can be configured to meet the requirements of end-

user applications. new-cng- prds-0805