Houston transit operator achieves 10 million miles with CNG buses

Houston transit operator achieves 10 million miles with CNG buses

Since 2016, Houston METRO has traveled 10 million miles with their NGV fleet (it currently has 50 buses and will have 20 more by the end of 2018), and has used more than 3 million gallons of CNG, reducing more than 3,000 tons of NOx from entering the air. By adopting clean burning fuels, like CNG, METRO has greatly reduced the amount of harmful pollutants in Houston’s air. METRO’s 10 million mile achievement was announced during the NGV America Road Rally by Jim Robinson, First Vice-Chair of the METRO Board at the North Houston Freedom CNG station on October 30. The rally made 15 stops across the country promoting the use of natural gas as transportation fuel and educating the public about clean burning alternative fuels. Freedom CNG is helping to improve Houston’s air quality by reducing NOx emissions through the promotion of alternative fuels. Freedom encourages the adoption of clean and affordable CNG through education, training, workshops and grant writing support for those willing to choose natural gas as a cleaner fuel choice. It is worth mentioning that Houston is ranked 11th on the American Lung Association’s list of worst polluted cities by ozone. The high road traffic in Houston contributes to the high concentration of NOx, the harmful pollutant that creates ozone above the metro area. The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) reported that 67% of all NOx emissions come from a mobile source. In this regard, natural gas buses are leading the alternative fuels charge against outdated diesel and gasoline fuels. Replacing dirty fuels with CNG is the safest and most affordable method for improving air quality.
