Hapag-Lloyd Claims Positive trend in the reduction of specific CO2 emissions says prepared for new IMO2020 fuel guideline


Hapag-Lloyd Claims Positive trend in the reduction of specific CO2 emissions says prepared for new IMO2020 fuel guideline

Ninety percent of all goods traded worldwide are transported by ship. With its 227 vessels, Hapag-Lloyd transports approximately 12 million containers per year. Container shipping thereby makes a significant contribution to a well-functioning global trade network. As one of the largest liner shipping companies, Hapag-Lloyd bears a special responsibility for the environment, for its customers and shareholders, and for its employees.

The current sustainability report, titled “Gathering Pace Together”, also includes the legally required non-financial report. As part of the reporting, the reader gains insight into the broad spectrum of Hapag-Lloyd’s sustainability-related activities, which deal with topics such as combating corruption, employee training and data protection.

Furthermore, Hapag-Lloyd presents its environmental sustainability management and formulates ambitious targets for the years ahead. “In 2018, we were once again able to reduce the fuel consumption of our global fleet through efficiency measures. We have also lowered our specific emissions. This puts us on track to achieve our target of a 20 percent reduction by 2020,” says Jörg Erdmann, Senior Director Sustainability Management.

Another important point is the International Maritime Organization’s global fuel regulation IMO2020. This regulation, which will enter into force on 1 January 2020, will lower the cap for sulphur content in marine fuels from 3.5 percent to 0.5 percent. “The new regulation is an important step on the way to lower-emission shipping. Even though the switch to low-sulphur fuels will entail significant costs, we are convinced that this directive is necessary. And we are prepared, as our fleet will operate using compliant fuels by 1 January 2020. In addition, we are testing other options, and Hapag-Lloyd will be the first shipping company to convert a large container ship to climate-friendly liquefied natural gas,” Erdmann adds.

Ninety percent of all goods traded worldwide are transported by ship. With its 227 vessels, Hapag-Lloyd transports approximately 12 million containers per year. Container shipping thereby makes a significant contribution to a well-functioning global trade network. As one of the largest liner shipping companies, Hapag-Lloyd bears a special responsibility for the environment, for its customers and shareholders, and for its employees.

The current sustainability report, titled “Gathering Pace Together”, also includes the legally required non-financial report. As part of the reporting, the reader gains insight into the broad spectrum of Hapag-Lloyd’s sustainability-related activities, which deal with topics such as combating corruption, employee training and data protection.

Furthermore, Hapag-Lloyd presents its environmental sustainability management and formulates ambitious targets for the years ahead. “In 2018, we were once again able to reduce the fuel consumption of our global fleet through efficiency measures. We have also lowered our specific emissions. This puts us on track to achieve our target of a 20 percent reduction by 2020,” says Jörg Erdmann, Senior Director Sustainability Management.

Another important point is the International Maritime Organization’s global fuel regulation IMO2020. This regulation, which will enter into force on 1 January 2020, will lower the cap for sulphur content in marine fuels from 3.5 percent to 0.5 percent. “The new regulation is an important step on the way to lower-emission shipping. Even though the switch to low-sulphur fuels will entail significant costs, we are convinced that this directive is necessary. And we are prepared, as our fleet will operate using compliant fuels by 1 January 2020. In addition, we are testing other options, and Hapag-Lloyd will be the first shipping company to convert a large container ship to climate-friendly liquefied natural gas,” Erdmann adds.


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