German NGV market keeps growing

German NGV market keeps growing

The use of natural gas for vehicles will increase to 4% of the ‘energy-mix’ by 2020, according to the German natural gas association ZukunftErdgas. The target of 4% was agreed during a ‘summit’ conference last December between the German car industry, the German environment ministry represented by federal minister Sigmar Gabriel and president Joerg Hoffman of IG Metall, Germany’s biggest industry trade union. The car industry was represented by Matthias Wissmann, president of German automobile federation VDA.

In addition, the 4% means the amount of natural gas vehicles on Germany’s roads will increase tenfold over the next five years. Countries like Italy show that such a target possible is, as long as the right political conditions are met, said ZukunftErdgas. Germany will also expand its network of natural gas refueling stations, in accordance with the Clean power for Transport initiative of the EU, of which the Directive alternative fuels infrastructure (DAFI) is an important part.

The German ministry of Economic Affairs is prepared to extend the present system of tax deductions for natural gas as a fuel beyond the deadline of 2018, according to ZukunftErdgas. The ministry also said it will promptly implement the ‘climate protection 2020’ program supporting energy efficient commercial vehicles. Duration and budget of the program will be sufficient to make it a success.

TimmKehler, president of the board of ZukunftErdgas, said he is glad that both the ministry of economic affairs and car industry as well as the trade unions in Germany are prepared to commit themselves to natural gas. “It is absolutely necessary to get all relevant stakeholders on board to further the use of natural gas as a fuel,” he said.