Galicia plans to become an LNG bunkering hub in northern Spain
The Galician government remains committed to this strategic industrial project which involved an investment in energy infrastructure of over 1,000 million euros. The goal is to strengthen a strategic industry -with significant investments in the medium term- that is set to become an LNG hub in northern Spain, an energy market with a significant impact on other sectors such as maritime, in the field of construction of new LNG bunker vessels, as well as the LNG conversion of vessels.
LNG transport is also a key factor in the port area, which generates income of over 10 million euros per year, as well as an opportunity for the fishing sector.
In this regard, the Galician Government is already working with Reganosa, the local University, Navantia and the Port Authority of Ferrol, in compliance with 2014/94/EU Directive of 22 October 2014, which includes the European Commission mandate to develop a network of LNG bunkering.
The effort focuses on the development of the infrastructure required for the creation of an LNG hub to take advantage of the geographical location of Galicia and guarantee the availability of this energy at competitive prices, for fleets that use the Galician port system. This project will involve a program of over 150 million euros investment and will ensure the implementation of cleaner technologies boosting the competitiveness of Galicia.