Denmark opens ninth public-access hydrogen refueling station
A new hydrogen fueling station, delivered by H2 Logic, was inaugurated in Kolding. This narrows the
driving distance to the nearest station in Hamburg, Germany to only 245km (150 miles) making cross-
border driving on hydrogen even more comfortable. The station is the third to open in Denmark during
the past six months, and in total the ninth hydrogen station in 24/7 operation throughout Denmark –
underlining the status as the world’s first countrywide hydrogen station network.
The Kolding station is operated by Danish Hydrogen Fuel A/S (DHF), a joint-venture between the oil
company OK, gas company Strandmøllen and H2 Logic. DHF targets to build up to five hydrogen fueling
stations in Denmark, where the Kolding station is the third in operation. It is placed at a conventional
fueling station operated by OK and located right next to the major highway connecting the southern
part of Denmark with Germany.
Hydrogen for the Kolding station is delivered from a central electrolyzer plant operated by Strandmøllen
and based on technology from the H2 Logic sister company NEL-Hydrogen. The entire Danish hydrogen
station network is based entirely on hydrogen produced from electrolysis and electricity procured with
CO2 certificates. This ensures a 100% sustainable and zero emission hydrogen supply.
The Kolding station, as well as the remainder of the Danish network is based on H2Station® technology
from H2 Logic that provides 70MPa fast fueling in accordance with international standards.