Daimler delivers 12 Mercedes-Benz Citaro NGT to German operator

Daimler delivers 12 Mercedes-Benz Citaro NGT to German operator

On 4 March Hartmut Schick, Head of Daimler Buses, handed over the symbolic key for twelve Mercedes-

Benz Citaro NGT buses (Natural Gas Technology) to Walter Casazza, manager of the public utility

Augsburger Stadtwerke. The ceremonial vehicle delivery was held at the Augsburg town hall square in

the presence of the mayor Kurt Gribl.

Schick emphasized the importance of the new, environmentally-friendly natural gas-powered fleet: “The

fact that Augsburger Stadtwerke has chosen the Mercedes-Benz Citaro NGT to update their fleet

validates our efforts to continue developing alternatives to the classic diesel drive and to offer these in

practical form. The generation of natural gas engines in use here is currently the most compact in its

class. What’s more, these engines run very quietly – something that is particularly advantageous within

the city – and they are fully suited for renewable natural gas.”

For more than one year now, Augsburg’s bus fleet has already been using renewable natural gas 100%

of the time and is the first city Germany-wide with an almost CO2-neutral regular service. As the most

important local public transportation company in the region, the Augsburger Stadtwerke currently run a

bus fleet of 89 vehicles, all of which are powered by natural gas.

The twelve Citaro NGT buses are a follow on delivery to the first Citaro NGT with new engine technology

that was delivered in December 2015.
