Cleanest fleet in Seattle’s history has nearly 100 biogas garbage trucks


Cleanest fleet in Seattle’s history has nearly 100 biogas garbage trucks

The launch of Seattle’s new green fleet of recycling, compost and garbage trucks is underway, further advancing the city’s steady commitment to clean air and world-class sustainability leadership. Now serving Seattle neighborhoods and businesses, the cleanest fleet in the city’s history includes 101 Waste Management vehicles powered by either renewable natural gas or by electricity. The new Waste Management fleet includes:

  • 91 collection trucks equipped with the new Cummins Westport ISL G Near Zero engine and powered by renewable natural gas. The heavy-duty engine is the cleanest ever certified by the California Air Resources Board and the Environmental Protection Agency. Biomethane is better for the environment because it is not a fossil fuel and it generates dramatically lower emissions – 70% lower than traditional diesel and 65% lower than CNG.  Waste Management uses underground vacuum systems to collect the biogas so it can be cleaned and loaded into pipeline infrastructure, similar to how electricity is loaded to the power grid for transmission across the country.
  • Eight Nissan Leaf electric support vehicles for use by WM route managers and bilingual recycling educators assigned to help Seattle residents and businesses reduce waste.
  • Two battery-electric Class 6 box trucks, the WM Think Green Seattle Street Crew, which will be on the job soon to keep downtown alleys clean and provide special collection services.

The new fleet and enhanced services are the result of a new contract between Seattle Public Utilities and Waste Management. WM provides service to residents and businesses in approximately 60% of the city.

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