Bahrain to establish LNG distribution centre
Bahrain will establish a Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) distribution centre with an approximate cost of $600 million.
Energy Minister Dr Abdulhussain Mirza said that Bahrain is set to become a distribution centre for Russian LNG in the region.
“We have agreed with Moscow to import this product and we offered to utilise the centre to distribute it in the Gulf,” Dr Mirza told Russian Today (RT).
“Bahrain has agreed with Gazprom company to import LNG from Russia and to establish a distribution centre in the Kingdom. A special harbour would be ready to operate in the first half of 2018.”
His statements came on the sidelines of His Majesty the King’s visit to Russia.
“We have offered that the centre could be a distribution point for Russian LNG, as all Gulf States, except Qatar, demand it in the future. Gazprom welcomed the idea,” Dr. Mirza added.
He also confirmed that an invitation had been sent to YMG Company, which operates under the jurisdiction of the Federal Agency and the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources, to scan the marine and land borders of the Kingdom.
“The company has advanced technologies in the field of geological scanning, especially in shallow waters, and we will soon announce tenders for oil exploration in the area,” said the minister.