Cumberland Legal Aid Clinic: Free Legal Assistance in Cumberland County

The Exceptional Work of the Cumberland Legal Aid Clinic

As law firm, constantly awe the work by Cumberland Legal Aid Clinic. Their to providing legal to who afford is inspiring. Blog post explore valuable offered by clinic and impact have their community.

Services Provided by Cumberland Legal Aid Clinic

The Cumberland Legal Aid Clinic offers a wide range of legal services to individuals and families in need. Services include:

Legal Service Number Cases Handled
Family Law 50
Housing Law 30
Immigration Law 20
Employment Law 40

These numbers demonstrate the significant impact of the clinic in providing legal assistance to those in need.

Case Studies

Here few case studies that the work Cumberland Legal Aid Clinic:

  • A single mother eviction due pay rent was by clinic and able remain her home.
  • An immigrant seeking was with assistance and successfully obtained status.
  • An facing termination received aid from clinic and able negotiate fair package.

These case studies illustrate the life-changing impact of the clinic`s work on the individuals and families they serve.

Community Impact

It is clear that the Cumberland Legal Aid Clinic has a significant impact on its community. Providing legal to who afford clinic is ensuring justice accessible all, regardless financial means.

We truly by Cumberland Legal Aid Clinic and for valuable they provide community.

Discover the Cumberland Legal Aid Clinic

Question Answer
1. What services does the Cumberland Legal Aid Clinic provide? The Cumberland Legal Aid Clinic provides a range of legal services including assistance with family law, immigration, housing, and employment disputes. Clinic dedicated providing to justice those may be able afford representation.
2. How do I qualify for legal aid assistance from the Cumberland Legal Aid Clinic? To qualify for legal aid assistance from the Cumberland Legal Aid Clinic, individuals must meet certain income eligibility requirements and be facing a legal issue within the clinic`s areas of practice. Clinic cases with likelihood success significant on client`s life.
3. Can the Cumberland Legal Aid Clinic represent me in court? Yes, the Cumberland Legal Aid Clinic can provide legal representation in court for eligible clients. Clinic`s of attorneys students together build cases advocate best outcome their clients.
4. Are there any fees for the services provided by the Cumberland Legal Aid Clinic? For eligible clients, the services provided by the Cumberland Legal Aid Clinic are free of charge. Clinic on pro basis, clients have worry legal while seeking legal they need.
5. How can I schedule a consultation with the Cumberland Legal Aid Clinic? To schedule a consultation with the Cumberland Legal Aid Clinic, individuals can contact the clinic directly by phone or email. Clinic`s will assess case determine if meet eligibility for legal assistance.
6. What types of cases does the Cumberland Legal Aid Clinic typically handle? The Cumberland Legal Aid Clinic handles a wide range of cases, including divorce and child custody matters, landlord-tenant disputes, immigration issues, and employment discrimination claims. Clinic`s team committed addressing legal of community.
7. Can the Cumberland Legal Aid Clinic assist with non-criminal legal matters? Yes, the Cumberland Legal Aid Clinic primarily focuses on non-criminal legal matters. Clinic aims provide support representation individuals are civil issues have significant on their lives.
8. How many attorneys are on staff at the Cumberland Legal Aid Clinic? The Cumberland Legal Aid Clinic has team experienced who oversee clinic`s and mentorship students. Work with students ensure clients receive legal representation.
9. Can I volunteer at the Cumberland Legal Aid Clinic? Yes, the Cumberland Legal Aid Clinic welcomes volunteers who are passionate about making a difference in the community. Contribute time skills support clinic`s mission providing to justice all.
10. How can I support the work of the Cumberland Legal Aid Clinic? Individuals can support the work of the Cumberland Legal Aid Clinic by making a donation to the clinic`s charitable fund. Help clinic continue provide legal to those need make meaningful in lives their clients.

Cumberland Legal Aid Clinic Contract

Welcome to the legal contract for services provided by the Cumberland Legal Aid Clinic. This contract outlines the terms and conditions for receiving legal aid services from the clinic. Read contract before with legal assistance.

Article 1 – Parties The parties to this contract are the Cumberland Legal Aid Clinic and the individual(s) seeking legal assistance.
Article 2 – Scope Services The clinic agrees to provide legal aid services to the client, including but not limited to legal advice, representation, and advocacy in civil and criminal matters.
Article 3 – Confidentiality All shared between client clinic be kept confidential with laws ethical of practice.
Article 4 – Fees Payment The services by clinic offered pro basis, no charged client legal assistance.
Article 5 – Termination Either may this at time providing notice other party. Termination not any or that already under contract.
Article 6 – Governing Law This contract be by in with laws state Cumberland.
Article 7 – Entire Agreement This contract the between parties with to subject and all and whether or oral.
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